sango katase guest rooms

Privacy Policy

1. Acquisition of personal information

If you wish to acquire your personal information, we will inform you of the purpose and the person in charge, and obtain it within the necessary range.

2. Purpose of use

We will use your personal information for the appropriate purpose, such as delivery of packages and information on the services that accompany it, as well as paperwork related to it.

3. Restriction on third party offer

Your personal information will not be disclosed or provided to third parties other than business partners and business partners without your consent, unless there are special circumstances.

4. Proper management of personal information

We will keep your personal information up-to-date and take preventive measures such as leakage, loss, destruction and falsification of personal information.

5. Management system

With regard to personal information protection, education and training will be provided to all employees, and appropriate management of personal information will be carried out continuously.

6. Compliance with the law

In handling your personal information, we will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and the laws and regulations related to it.

7. Inquiry

For inquiries regarding your personal information, please contact us.